-------------------------------------------------------------------------- books\legal\* ------------- 150 Boilerplate Legal Forms. Form Number Order Subject Form Promissory Note - Interest 101 Promissory Note - Series 102 Promissory Note - Balloon 103 Promissory Note - Demand 104 Promissory Note - Guaranty 105 Promissory Note (Long Form) 106 Promissory Note (For Open Account Debt) 107 Notice Of Default 108 Demand On Guarantor 109 Demand By Secured Party For Possession Of Collateral 110 Settlement Offer 111 Notice Delinquent Account 112 Demand For Payment 113 Second Request For Payment 114 Notice Delinquent Account Turned Over To Collection 115 Agreement To Compromise Debt 116 Installment Agreement To Pay Debt 117 Demand For Collateral 118 Final Notice Before Legal Action 119 Bad Check Letter 120 Notice To Bank To Stop Payment On Check 121 Credit Application 122 Notice Of C.O.D. 123 Guaranty 124 Guaranty 125 Draft 126 Pledge 127 Notice Of Right Of Rescission 128 Receipt (Specific) 129 Real Estate Note 130 Assignment Of Note 131 Power Of Attorney - Sign Checks 132 Ratification Of Unauthorized Signature 133 Affidavit And Waiver Of Right Of Rescission 134 Security Agreement 135 Subordination To Stated Amount 136 Subordination Agreement Of Secured Debt 137 Discharge Of Security Interest 138 Loan Purpose Affidavit 139 Agreement To Execute Lease 201 Short Form Of Lease 202 Commercial Lease 203 Self Renewing Lease 204 Notice To Terminate Tenancy At Will 205 Notice To Terminate Tenant-at-will 206 Cancellation Of Lease 207 Assignment Of Money Due 208 Assignment Of Receivable 209 Assignment Of Contract 210 Assignment Of Stock 211 Assignment Of Contract To Sell Land 212 Assignment Of Copyrights 213 Buyer's Assignment Of Rights 214 Bill Of Sale For Motor Vehicle 215 Bill Of Sale (Without Warranties) 216 Bill Of Sale (With Encumbrances) 217 Bill Of Sale (General Form) 218 Assignment Of Lease 219 Lease Of Personal Property 220 Amendment To Lease 221 Notice To Exercise Lease Option 222 Notice Non-payment Of Rent 223 Consent To Assignment-contract 224 Notice Assignment Of Debt 225 Firm Price Quote 301 Demand For Goods 302 Notice That Delivery Will Not Be Made 303 Notice Of Defective Goods 304 Notice Of Non-conforming Goods 305 Notice To Accept Non-conforming Goods 306 Notice Of Rejection Of Goods 307 Notice Of Election To Return 308 Merchant Buyer's Request As To Rightfully Rejected Goods 309 Notice Of Buyer's Disposition Of Rightfully Rejected Goods 310 Buyer's Particularization Of Objections 311 Payment Against Documents With Reservation Of Rights 312 Acknowledgement Of Receipt Of Goods 313 Notice-cancel Order 314 Buyer's Notice Of Discovery Of Breach 315 Notice Of Breach Of Warranty 316 Revocation Of Acceptance After Seller's Failure To Cure Defects 317 Buyer's Notice To Seller Of Litigation 318 Waiver Of Breach 319 Renouncing Claim For Breach 320 Notice - Disputed Balance 321 Seller's Offer To Accommodate Buyer - Non-conforming Goods 322 Notice By Seller Of Commencement Of Performance 323 Seller's Conformation Of Order 324 Seller's Agreement To Repurchase 325 Seller's Demand That Buyer Specify Breach 326 Seller's Instructions To Buyer - Rejected Goods 327 Seller's Demand For Control Of Litigation 328 Agreement To Sell Business 329 Bill Of Sale Of Business 330 Agreement To Sell Business Property 331 Firm Offer To Sell 332 Memorandum For Statute Of Frauds 333 Pledge-sale Of Business 334 Contract To Sell Goods 335 Bulk Sale's Agreement 336 Bulk Sales Affidavit 337 Notice To Creditors-payment In Full 338 Notice Of Creditors - Partial Payment 339 Escrow Agreement For Bulk Sales 340 Request For Employment Reference 401 Offer Of Employment 402 Employment Agreement 403 Rejection Letter 404 Warning Notice 405 Suspension Notice 406 Involuntary Discharge From Employment 407 Employee Non-compete Agreement 408 Employee Non-compete Agreement (Specific Accounts) 409 Employee Non-compete Agreement (Specific Locations) 410 Resignation 411 Employee Reimbursement Agreement 412 Employee Invention Agreement 413 Notice Of Annual Meeting 501 Notice Of Meeting Of Directors 502 Notice Of Special Meeting Of Shareholders 503 Notice Of Special Meeting Of Directors 504 Minutes Of Annual Meeting Of Stockholders 505 Minutes Of Meeting Of Directors 506 Minutes Of Special Meeting 507 Waiver Of Notice Of Annual Meeting 508 Waiver Of Notice Of Meeting Of Directors 509 Special Meeting Waiver Of Notice 510 Resignation Of Director 511 Resignation Of Officer 512 Certificate Of Corporate Vote 513 Minutes Of Special Meeting Of Directors 514 Section 1244 Corporation Minutes 515 Medical Care Plan Minutes 516 Medical Care Reimbursement Plan Minutes 516 Vote Setting Salary 517 Vote Execution Of Lease 518 Ratification Of Meeting 519 Partnership Agreement 601 Joint Venture Agreement 602 Independent Contractor Agreement 603 Real Estate Broker's Agreement 604 Consignment Agreement 605 Sales Agency Agreement 606 Form Of Limited Warranty 607 Will (Simple Form) 608 Irrevocable Trust 609 Revocable Trust 610 Declaration Of Nominee Trust 611 Power Of Attorney 612 Revocation Of Power Of Attorney 613 General Release 614 Indemnification Agreement 615 Receipt - General Form 616 Occupancy Agreement 617 General Proxy 618 Mutual Releases 619 Specific Release 620 Non-disclosure Agreement 621 ********************************************************************* Alphabetical Listing By Subject Subject Form Acknowledgement Of Receipt Of Goods 313 Affidavit And Waiver Of Right Of Rescission 134 Agreement To Compromise Debt 116 Agreement To Execute Lease 201 Agreement To Sell Business 329 Agreement To Sell Business Property 331 Amendment To Lease 221 Assignment Of Contract 210 Assignment Of Contract To Sell Land 212 Assignment Of Copyrights 213 Assignment Of Lease 219 Assignment Of Money Due 208 Assignment Of Note 131 Assignment Of Receivable 209 Assignment Of Stock 211 Bad Check Letter 120 Bill Of Sale (General Form) 218 Bill Of Sale (With Encumbrances) 217 Bill Of Sale (Without Warranties) 216 Bill Of Sale For Motor Vehicle 215 Bill Of Sale Of Business 330 Bulk Sale's Agreement 336 Bulk Sales Affidavit 337 Buyer's Assignment Of Rights 214 Buyer's Notice Of Discovery Of Breach 315 Buyer's Notice To Seller Of Litigation 318 Buyer's Particularization Of Objections 311 Cancellation Of Lease 207 Certificate Of Corporate Vote 513 Commercial Lease 203 Consent To Assignment-contract 224 Consignment Agreement 605 Contract To Sell Goods 335 Credit Application 122 Declaration Of Nominee Trust 611 Demand By Secured Party For Possession Of Collateral 110 Demand For Collateral 118 Demand For Goods 302 Demand For Payment 113 Demand On Guarantor 109 Discharge Of Security Interest 138 Draft 126 Employee Invention Agreement 413 Employee Non-compete Agreement 408 Employee Non-compete Agreement (Specific Accounts) 409 Employee Non-compete Agreement (Specific Locations) 410 Employee Reimbursement Agreement 412 Employment Agreement 403 Escrow Agreement For Bulk Sales 340 Final Notice Before Legal Action 119 Firm Offer To Sell 332 Firm Price Quote 301 Form Of Limited Warranty 607 General Proxy 618 General Release 614 Guaranty 124 Guaranty 125 Indemnification Agreement 615 Independent Contractor Agreement 603 Installment Agreement To Pay Debt 117 Involuntary Discharge From Employment 407 Irrevocable Trust 609 Joint Venture Agreement 602 Lease Of Personal Property 220 Loan Purpose Affidavit 139 Medical Care Plan Minutes 516 Medical Care Reimbursement Plan Minutes 516 Memorandum For Statute Of Frauds 333 Merchant Buyer's Request As To Rightfully Rejected Goods 309 Minutes Of Annual Meeting Of Stockholders 505 Minutes Of Meeting Of Directors 506 Minutes Of Special Meeting 507 Minutes Of Special Meeting Of Directors 514 Mutual Releases 619 Non-disclosure Agreement 621 Notice - Disputed Balance 321 Notice Assignment Of Debt 225 Notice By Seller Of Commencement Of Performance 323 Notice Delinquent Account 112 Notice Delinquent Account Turned Over To Collection 115 Notice Non-payment Of Rent 223 Notice Of Annual Meeting 501 Notice Of Breach Of Warranty 316 Notice Of Buyer's Disposition Of Rightfully Rejected Goods 310 Notice Of C.O.D. 123 Notice Of Creditors - Partial Payment 339 Notice Of Default 108 Notice Of Defective Goods 304 Notice Of Election To Return 308 Notice Of Meeting Of Directors 502 Notice Of Non-conforming Goods 305 Notice Of Rejection Of Goods 307 Notice Of Right Of Rescission 128 Notice Of Special Meeting Of Directors 504 Notice Of Special Meeting Of Shareholders 503 Notice That Delivery Will Not Be Made 303 Notice To Accept Non-conforming Goods 306 Notice To Bank To Stop Payment On Check 121 Notice To Creditors-payment In Full 338 Notice To Exercise Lease Option 222 Notice To Terminate Tenancy At Will 205 Notice To Terminate Tenant-at-will 206 Notice-cancel Order 314 Occupancy Agreement 617 Offer Of Employment 402 Partnership Agreement 601 Payment Against Documents With Reservation Of Rights 312 Pledge 127 Pledge-sale Of Business 334 Power Of Attorney 612 Power Of Attorney - Sign Checks 132 Promissory Note (For Open Account Debt) 107 Promissory Note (Long Form) 106 Promissory Note - Balloon 103 Promissory Note - Demand 104 Promissory Note - Guaranty 105 Promissory Note - Interest 101 Promissory Note - Series 102 Ratification Of Meeting 519 Ratification Of Unauthorized Signature 133 Real Estate Broker's Agreement 604 Real Estate Note 130 Receipt (Specific) 129 Receipt - General Form 616 Rejection Letter 404 Renouncing Claim For Breach 320 Request For Employment Reference 401 Resignation 411 Resignation Of Director 511 Resignation Of Officer 512 Revocable Trust 610 Revocation Of Acceptance After Seller's Failure To Cure Defects 317 Revocation Of Power Of Attorney 613 Sales Agency Agreement 606 Second Request For Payment 114 Section 1244 Corporation Minutes 515 Security Agreement 135 Self Renewing Lease 204 Seller's Agreement To Repurchase 325 Seller's Conformation Of Order 324 Seller's Demand For Control Of Litigation 328 Seller's Demand That Buyer Specify Breach 326 Seller's Instructions To Buyer - Rejected Goods 327 Seller's Offer To Accommodate Buyer - Non-conforming Goods 322 Settlement Offer 111 Short Form Of Lease 202 Special Meeting Waiver Of Notice 510 Specific Release 620 Subordination Agreement Of Secured Debt 137 Subordination To Stated Amount 136 Suspension Notice 406 Vote Execution Of Lease 518 Vote Setting Salary 517 Waiver Of Breach 319 Waiver Of Notice Of Annual Meeting 508 Waiver Of Notice Of Meeting Of Directors 509 Warning Notice 405 Will (Simple Form) 608 Form Number Order Subject Form Promissory Note - Interest 101 Promissory Note - Series 102