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Tech Note


October 13, 1997


The purpose of this Technical Note is to explain the why late Colt brand AR-15 style rifles do not accept government or industry standard trigger mechanism components.


  1. In an apparent effort to reduce criticism of their AR-15 style rifles, officials of Colt's Firearms made a number of changes to them. In addition to cutting off the bayonet lug, they increased the diameter of their hammer/trigger pins from the previous .1540 inch diameter to approximately .1720 inch. The Hammer, Trigger, and Disconnector were altered to match.
  2. Because few second party suppliers produce trigger mechanism parts to accept the .1720 diameter hammer/trigger pins, the consumer has fewer sources of supply, and correspondingly higher prices.
  3. Improvements in trigger mechanisms cannot be fitted to Colt brand rifles unless special efforts are taken to allow for the pin diameters and block. A special version of the ArmaLite National Match Trigger Mechanism has been designed to work with Colt Brand rifles.
  4. ArmaLite and Eagle Arms rifles continue to use the .1540 Diameter pins, as does most of the industry.

RECOMMENDATION: Consumers wishing maximum standardization, readily available parts, and reasonable prices should purchase only those rifles which use the industry and government standard .1540 inch diameter pins.


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