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folderClojure2022-02-20 21:43
folderLISP Mass2022-02-20 21:42
folderScheme2022-02-20 21:43
fileA Practical Theory of Programming - Eric C.R. Hehner.pdf2022-02-20 21:421175 KB
fileAn Introduction To Programming In Emacs Lisp, 2Nd Ed - Robert J. Chassell.pdf2022-02-20 21:431064 KB
fileBasic Lisp Techniques - David J. Cooper.pdf2022-02-20 21:43592 KB
fileCommon Lisp - A Gentle Introduction To Symbolic Computation - David S. Touretzky.pdf2022-02-20 21:441145 KB
fileCommon Lisp - An Interactive Approach - STUART C. SHAPIRO.pdf2022-02-20 21:442640 KB
fileCommon Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition - Guy L. Steele.pdf2022-02-20 21:444633 KB
fileDSL In Lisp.mov2022-02-20 21:43131323 KB
fileHow to Design Programs An Introduction to Computing and Programming - Matthias Felleisen.pdf2022-02-20 21:4312 KB
filelisp book - Gary D. Knott.pdf2022-02-20 21:43472 KB
fileOn LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.pdf2022-02-20 21:441112 KB
filePractical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel.chm2022-02-20 21:432198 KB
fileProgramming Languages - Application and Interpretation.pdf2022-02-20 21:421387 KB
fileSuccessful Lisp How to Understand and Use Common Lisp - David B. Lamkins.pdf2022-02-20 21:441810 KB
fileWriting GNU Emacs Extensions - Bob Glickstein.pdf2022-02-20 21:43713 KB