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fileHaskell - The Craft of Functional Programming, 2ed (Addison-Wesley, 1999) by Tantanoid.pdf2022-02-20 22:3514621 KB
filehaskell98-report.pdf2022-02-20 22:35817 KB
fileLearn You A Haskell For Great Good.pdf2022-02-20 22:35747 KB
fileProgramming in Haskell.pdf2022-02-20 22:35848 KB
fileReal World Haskell.chm2022-02-20 22:357993 KB
fileThe Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming.pdf2022-02-20 22:351472 KB
fileyaht.pdf2022-02-20 22:35863 KB