Learn Encryption Techniques with BASIC and C++
(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.)
Author(s): Gil Held
ISBN: 1556225989
Publication Date: 10/01/98

Table of Contents


“Bid $3.62 million on the 46th Street project,” “potential corporate acquisition requires suspension of training activities through the end of month,” and “meet me at 7 P.M. in the Radisson lobby to discuss…” are but a few examples of personal communications that for one reason or another should be confidential.

Today, we live in a world whose “communications dimensions” have rapidly shrunk due to the explosive growth in the use of computer-based networks. Messages that took hours or days to reach a recipient a decade ago are now delivered near instantaneously to most areas on the globe. Although advances in communications technology have considerably enhanced our quality of life, it has also provided the con artist, computer hacker, and persons many would classify as being in the lower elements of society with the ability to electronically take advantage of others. An unscrupulous person may commit electronic fraud by ordering items and billing the cost to others, or read personal messages and take actions that are harmful to other persons. In other situations, the inadvertent viewing of a personal message concerning a potential corporate reorganization, pending personnel action, or similar activity can result in an exponential increase in the rumor mill, while employee productivity decreases in an inverse proportion to these rumors.

While it is doubtful if fraud or rumors will ever cease as long as humans populate the earth, there are steps you can consider to keep personal communications personal. Some steps, such as routing messages correctly, avoid the embarrassment of an unintentional recipient. Other steps, such as converting your message into a sequence of characters that is not meaningful to an unintended recipient or casual observer, provide a mechanism to protect the content of your message. It is this area that is the focus of this book, providing practical methods readers can use to obtain a degree of privacy and security for messages that are transmitted over internal corporate communications networks or via public electronic messaging systems.

The focus of this book is upon the use of cryptology to encipher and decipher messages. As we examine different encipherment methods, we will also focus our attention upon the development of programs written in the C++ and BASIC programming languages that can be used to automate the encipherment and decipherment process.

Many readers by now will realize that the techniques covered in this book are available to any person who obtains a copy of this book. While this fact means the techniques to obtain message privacy are in the public domain, it does not mean that the use of those techniques results in public messages.

Most techniques covered in this book are based upon the use of keywords, phrases, or the selection of a random sequence of characters. Although almost any enciphering technique can be broken given a long enough message and time, the objective of this book is to provide readers with a mechanism to prevent the inadvertent reading of messages as well as delay the translation of messages intercepted by hackers, rascals, and scoundrels. Thus, a message concerning a bid due on Tuesday may be worthless to a person who reads the contents of your message on Thursday. By carefully considering the use of different enciphering techniques and keywords, phrases, or random character sequences to govern the encipherment process, you can keep personal communications personal as well as obtain a degree of message security that will enable you to conduct your business in a more efficient and effective manner.

As a professional author, I consider reader feedback extremely important and encourage you to send me your comments. Let me know if the information and techniques presented in this book satisfied your requirements or if there are other areas you would like me to tackle in a future edition. You can write to me via e-mail at 235-8068@mcimail.com or through my publisher whose address is on this book.

Gilbert Held
Macon, GA

Table of Contents