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file(ebook - chm) - Misc - Debian The Perfect Setup.chm2022-02-20 23:00650 KB
file(ebook - English) Advanced Linux Programming.pdf2022-02-20 23:003866 KB
file(ebook - pdf) Hack Proofing Linux.pdf2022-02-20 23:0012388 KB
file(eBook - pdf) Programming Primer for Object-Oriented and Procedural Programming in Java, C, C++, Eiffel, COBOL, Pascal, FORTRAN, VBASIC.pdf2022-02-20 23:0035 KB
file(ebook) - Slackware Linux Unleashed, Third Edition.zip2022-02-20 23:00967 KB
file(ebook) O'Reilly - Linux Command Directory.pdf2022-02-20 22:5910899 KB
fileBash Quick Reference.pdf2022-02-20 23:00392 KB
fileCompTIA - Linux+ Study Guide.pdf2022-02-20 22:5911403 KB
fileFirewalls For Dummies 2nd Ed (2003).pdf2022-02-20 23:001800 KB
fileLinux Administrator Quick Reference.pdf2022-02-20 22:5956 KB
fileLinux on the Mainframe.rar2022-02-20 23:003171 KB
fileLinuxRus.zip2022-02-20 22:59262 KB
fileLinuxSysAdmin.zip2022-02-20 23:00550 KB
fileNew Riders - Advanced Linux Programming.chm2022-02-20 23:00565 KB
fileNovell Press - Linux Firewalls - 3rd Edition.chm2022-02-20 22:591708 KB
fileO'Reilly - Building Embedded Linux Systems.chm2022-02-20 23:001057 KB
fileO'Reilly - Building Secure Servers with Linux.rar2022-02-20 23:001595 KB
fileO'Reilly - Linux Certification in a Nutshell - 2nd Edition.chm2022-02-20 23:002403 KB
fileO'Reilly - Linux In A Nutshell, 4th Ed (2003).chm2022-02-20 22:591768 KB
fileO' 23:002492 KB
filePrentice Hall - The Art Of Unix Programming (Eric Raymond) - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).pdf2022-02-20 23:002473 KB
filePrentice Hall - UNIX Shells by Example, Third Edition.chm2022-02-20 23:002196 KB
filePrentice Hall - UNIX User's Handbook 2nd Edition.chm2022-02-20 23:004903 KB
fileQue - Linux Socket Programming By Example - fly.pdf2022-02-20 23:00535 KB
fileRedHat Press - Linux Complete Command Reference - 1st Edition.pdf2022-02-20 22:5910631 KB
fileRedHatLinuxUnleashed.zip2022-02-20 22:591232 KB
fileSlackware Linux Essentials.pdf2022-02-20 22:593556 KB
fileSlackware Linux Unleashed, Third Edition.rar2022-02-20 23:00925 KB
fileSlackware.pdf2022-02-20 23:005094 KB
fileSlackWareUnixUnleashed.zip2022-02-20 22:59961 KB
fileSybex - Linux System Administration.rar2022-02-20 23:007401 KB
fileTextbook - Linux Fundamentals.pdf2022-02-20 23:00673 KB
fileTextbook - Wicked Cool Shell Scripts.pdf2022-02-20 22:592220 KB
fileThomson - Guide to Linux Shell Script Programming.pdf2022-02-20 23:0026929 KB
fileUbuntu Press - Desktop Course - Instructor Guide.pdf2022-02-20 22:5925005 KB
fileUbuntu Press - Desktop Course - Student Guide.pdf2022-02-20 22:5924951 KB
fileUNIX Shells by Example, 3rd Edition.rar2022-02-20 23:001560 KB
fileUnixArhitecturaRus.zip2022-02-20 23:00430 KB
fileunixbookshelf.tar2022-02-20 23:0024565 KB
fileUnixUnleashed.zip2022-02-20 23:001656 KB
fileUnixUnleashedAdmin.zip2022-02-20 22:592086 KB
fileUnixUnleashedInternet.zip2022-02-20 22:595262 KB
fileWiley - Linux Bible - 2010 Edition.pdf2022-02-20 23:0011251 KB
fileWiley - Linux Troubleshooting Bible.chm2022-02-20 23:0017637 KB
fileWiley - Ubuntu Linux Secrets.pdf2022-02-20 23:0031370 KB
fileWiley - Ubuntu Linux Toolbox.pdf2022-02-20 23:003374 KB