Keywords: Buddhism, psychology, philosophy, wisdom, meditation, audiobook, lectures. If you have not listen to Jack Kornfield before you really should. This stuff is absolutely great. In my collection of spiritual/philosophical media i got many 100 gigabytes of data and i can honestly say that Jack Kornfields stuff is kind of the crown jewels of it all. The first time i initially heard Kornfield i kind of wondered which kind of sedative medication he was on, but after a very short while his personality really makes more than perfect sense. Intelligent, interesting, wise, and a lot of humour. He often illustrates stuff with some tales or legends which is great because he is a absolutely wonderful storyteller. Kornfield has been a buddhist monk for many years and later got a Ph.D in psychology. You do not at all have to be into buddhism to find this material highly interesting and valuable. THIS TORRENT CONTAINS: o The audiobook "A Path with Heart" o The lecture/speech "The 10 Perfections", "Dharma Talks- Compassion", and "Working With The Heart in Troubled Times" o The ebook "Eightfold Path For The Householder" and a really good book by Kornfields teacher Ajahn Chah o A short video with Jack Kornfield. For more stuff by Kornfield: