HQ textures for GTAIII by Fireburns -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- What's new in 1.5? ----------------- ----------------- -shod_disclaimer (512x512 instead of 128x128) -dirtywhite (512x512 instead of 64x64) credits go to dudealan2001 for providing the basic ice texture -dirtywhitea (512x512 instead of 64x64) -liftdoors_kb_256 (512x512 instead of 256x256) -dirtpass.txd What's new in 1.4? ----------------- ----------------- -shad_peda (128x128 instead of 32x32) -shad_car (128x128 instead of 32x32) -little improvements on newtreea128 -portlanddocks_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) -portlanddocks2_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) -chemsign1_64_A (512x512 instead of 64x64) -House01t_64 (128x128 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13 -House01b_64 (128x128 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13 -DoG128lit (256x256 instead of 128x128), provided by DimZet13 -Fbk64lit (256x256 instead of 128x128), provided by DimZet13 -shut_rdst_512 (512x512 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13 -barrel_64HV (256x256 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13 -lipslit (256x256 instead of 128x128), provided by DimZet13 -alumox64 (256x256 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13 -pinelo128 (512x256 instead of 128x128), provided by DimZet13, big thanks! -Metalox64 (256x256 instead of 64x64), provided by DimZet13, big thanks! -Some minor updates What's new in 1.3? ----------------- ----------------- -barbedwire -Shrub_64HVa -fencekb_64h -scratcha64 -indoor1 -generic.col fix by RMWS. (big thanks!) What's new in 1.2? ----------------- ----------------- -new vending machine -Stop2_64 -walk_dont -Miamibeige256 (credit and big thanks to txeditor) -Spraysign2_128 -fire01 -chemsign2_64_A -indoor1 -hospital_top Release 1.4, 20.11.2010 Release 1.3, 28.09.2010 Release 1.2, 29.05.2010 Release 1.1, 04.04.2010 Release 1.0, 26.11.2009 Fast Installation ---------------- Create a new folder on any of your drives, go to your GTA3/models/ directory and open txd.img with an img. tool (to be save, backup txd.img first). Export all files from the txd.img archive to the new folder you just created. Extract all the .txd files from this mod to your new folder and overwrite the existing files. !Warning! If you overwrite the existing files, you might loose any previous installed texture mods. If you don't want to let this happen, follow the instruction below. Open particle.txd with txdworkshop (or any other programm which is able to deal with txd) and replace walk_dont with the file provided in this mod. Open generic.txd with txdworkshop (or any other programm which is able to deal with txd) and replace shad_peda and shad_car with the file provided in this mod. Replace the existing generic.col in gtaIII\models\coll with the generic.col fix made by RMWS. (big thanks!) to get best results for the fence at the entrance of Portland Docks. Custom Installation (more time consuming) ----------------- Go to your GTA3/models/ directory and open txd.img with an img. tool (to be save, backup txd.img first). Extract the files listed below. Get txdworkshop or any other programm which is able to deal with txd. files and open the corresponding files you extracted previously. Replace the old files with the one provided in this archive. Save the updated txd and replace your standard txds with the ones you just edited. Open particle.txd with txdworkshop (or any other programm which is able to deal with txd) and replace walk_dont with the file provided in this mod. Open generic.txd with txdworkshop (or any other programm which is able to deal with txd) and replace shad_peda and shad_car with the file provided in this mod. Replace the existing generic.col in gtaIII\models\coll with the generic.col fix made by RMWS. (big thanks!) to get best results for the fence at the entrance of Portland Docks. Now you're done! Have fun! KeepOut_64 ---------------- airgrndb.txd BANKD.txd basmntcrpark.txd comsub_b.txd comsub_c.txd electricgate.txd factory.txd hospital2.txd luigiclub.txd othersubside.txd subhospital.txd subind2.txd subind4.txd subind5.txd subind7.txd subway1.txd subway_comptop.txd subwayindt.txd notice03128 --------------- airporterminal3.txd securityhut.txd policind.txd Industdoor5 ----------- bigbuild.txd subuild10.txd colcomp4.txd colcomp4b.txd comtenblock6b.txd importexp.txd indsupasave.txd subparts.txd subuild1.txd projibits.txd subuild5.txd subuild6.txd tenblocknrcp.txd 8balls.txd hi_nopark1_256128 ------------------------ busdepot.txd chinaedge.txd warehouses.txd hi_nopark1_256128wide ----------------------------- dogfact.txd indtaxi.txd USAflag ------------------ newbuildind.txd subpolice.txd hotelkb.txd policeind.txd suburb2.txd greasyjoes.txd shade Italian 64HV ------------- hotelkb.txd tonys.txd tenblocknrcp italyfalg.txd gtascreens ------------- tw@t.txd veding1_64 veding2_64 ------------- 8balls.txd vend.txd newtreea_lod newtreeb_lod newtreed256a (done by Rockstars) ------------- comlod1.txd comlod2.txd islandLODsubCOM.txd (Newtreea32, Newtreeb32, Newtreed32) suburb2.txd indust2.txd replace trees2.txd with the existing one in your txd.img (backup your old file) walk_dont ------------- replace the corresponding file in particle.txd (gtaIII/models dir) Miamibeige256 -------------- lod (comSW_LOD.txd) fdr_underpass.txd com_police.txd bigsign.txd roadtunnel.txd Stop2_64 -------------- portabarrier.txd fire01 -------------- comhospital.txd chemsign2_64_A -------------- comhospital.txd pipesc.txd ramp2.txd Spraysign2_128 -------------- indredlitblk1b.txd tenblocknrcp.txd subuild2.txd inddoor1hospital -------------- comhospital.txd hospital_top -------------- comhospital.txd subind4.txd (replace "newall8-2_seamless") barbedwire -------------- airgrndb.txd airportfence.txd carparkfence.txd damfence.txd dambase.txd damissionfence.txd Shrub_64HVa -------------- sub_villas.txd block4grn.txd generic.txd suburb2.txd fencekb_64h -------------- airporterminal3.txd carparkfence.txd comsky3.txd comsub_b.txd dambase.txd dam.txd electricgate.txd fences.txd helipad.txd highbridge.txd pumphouse.txd subway1.txd scratcha64 --------------- fences.txd indoor1 --------------- busdepot.txd (door 8) cempirest.txd (door 1) dam.txd (door 4) dambase.txd (door 3) door.txd (door 6) factory.txd (door 2) hotelkb.txd (door 7) indredlitblk1b.txd (door 4) indredlitblk4.txd (door 5) indredlitgrey.txd (door 1) LUDOOR.txd (door 8) luigiclub.txd (door 3) subuild1.txd (door 5) subuild3.txd (door 6) warehouse.txd (door 7) shad_peda (128x128 instead of 32x32) shad_car (128x128 instead of 32x32) --------------- particle.txd Alumox64b (256x256 instead of 64x64) -------------- 3d8ball.txd 8ballfence.txd china2big.txd 8balls.txd comhilo3b.txd comjetty.txd doccrane.txd dockbit.txd docks.txd electricgate.txd hotelkb.txd indamcooffc.txd indchinablocks.txd indchinassrt.txd indhospital.txd indpolice.txd indradio.txd indredlitgrey.txd metal.txd othersubside.txd pipes.txd signs.txd subuild4.txd subway.txd subway1.txd subway2.txd subwayind.txd subwayindt.txd tenblock6aa.txd generic.txd shopdoor1_64 (256 instead of 128) ---------------------- china2big.txd comhilo1.txd comtenblock6b.txd indhibuildns.txd sub_villas.txd shopdoor3_64 (256x256 instead of 64x64) ---------------------- indradio.txd italynrth.txd sub_villas.txd Metalox64 (256x256 instead of 64x64) -------------- airgrndb.txd airportfence.txd carparkfence.txd carpark.txd billboard.txd colcomp4.txd com_police.txd comsbilboard05.txd comseroadbits.txd comsigns.txd damissionfence.txd fuckedcar.txd inddockland.txd localsignsub.txd portacabin.txd ramp2.txd SHIP.txd ships.txd sub_villas.txd subfrates.txd subhospital.txd subind8.txd subsign1.txd subuild2.txd subuild3.txd subuild4.txd subuild5.txd subvillabits.txd subway.txd subway_comtop.txd subway1.txd TRUCKTRAIL.txd unclebj.txd watertower.txd trainstairst.txd alumox64 (256x256 instead of 64x64) -------------- billboard.txd airporterminal3.txd block4grn.txd chlight.txd colcomp_new.txd comhilo3b.txd comsbilboard02.txd comseroadbits comsub_b.txd comsub_c.txd comtownhall.txd cranes.txd dambase.txd damfence.txd fences.txd helipad.txd hospital2.txd metal.txd nipple.txd othersubside.txd policind.txd pumphouse.txd subind4.txd subind5.txd subind6.txd subindgate.txd subuild3.txd subway2.txd subwayind.txd subwayindt.txd tenblock6aa.txd tunnels.txd usedcar.txd lipslit (256x256 instead of 128x128) ----------------------- bilboard.txd combroadwy2.txd combroadwyrd.txd comseroadbits.txd postersub.txd bluemetal (256x256 instead of 64x64) -------------- bigsign.txd compolice.txd metal.txd subfrates.txd subind8.txd TRUCKTRAIL.txd barrel_64HV (256x256 instead of 64x64) -------------- bigsign.txd dynbarrels.txd fishfactory.txd frate.txd indjunk.txd lighthouse.txd subcrates.txd subestbuild.txd subind2.txd subind5.txd trainyard.txd watertower.txd shut_rdst_512 (512x512 instead of 64x64) ---------------- airporterminal.txd com_police.txd comhilo3b.txd compoumd.txd door.txd factory.txd indsupasave.txd petrol.txd tenblock6aa.txd unclebj.txd Fbk64lit (256x256 instead of 64x64) --------------- combroadwy2.txd combroadwyrd.txd DoG128lit (256x256 instead of 128x128) ----------- combroadwy2.txd House01b_64 (128x128 instead of 64x64) --------------- door.txd fuzzball.txd House01t_64 (128x128 instead of 64x64) -------------- door.txd fuzzball.txd pinelo128 (512x256 instead of 128x128) -------------- pinetrees.txd tonys.txd portlanddocks_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) portlanddocks2_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) -------------- inddockland.txd portlanddocks_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) portlanddocks2_64 (512x512 instead of 64x64) -------------- inddockland.txd chemsign1_64_A (512x512 instead of 64x64) -------------- pipesc.txd shod_disclaimer (512x512 instead of 128x128) -------------- tenement_ground.txd dirtywhite (512x512 instead of 64x64) credits go to dudealan2001 for providing the basic ice texture dirtywhitea (512x512 instead of 64x64) -------------- cskydark.txd liftdoors_kb_256 (512x512 instead of 256x256) -------------- base.txd basmntcrpark.txd sub_projects.txd subway.txd subway2.txd dirtpass.txd